Facilities & Certifications

MGP maintains facilities in the heart of the U.S.A. The Company is headquartered in Atchison, Kansas, where distilled alcohol products and food ingredients are produced. Premium spirits are also distilled and matured at the company’s historic facility in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.

Food and Beverage Safety and Quality

MGP is committed to providing safe, high quality food and beverage ingredients to its customers. As a measure of this commitment, MGP is certified to the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety at the company’s food ingredient and beverage manufacturing facilities, located in Atchison, Kansas and Lawrenceburg, Indiana. The company has achieved the highest grade of BRC certification with a Grade AA.

The BRC Global Standards are a leading global product safety and quality certification program used by manufacturers in over 100 countries and is recognized as a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked food safety scheme. A growing number of major food and beverage manufacturers and retailers now require GFSI certification from their suppliers.

MGP’s BRC certification provides assurance and confidence to customers that the company is committed to continuous improvement in food and beverage safety to deliver safe ingredients to consumers worldwide.

Please contact sales@mgpingredients.com to request our BRC Global Standards certificates.

Health & Safety

MGP is fully committed to the safety and well being of all of our employees and is dedicated to providing a safe working environment. In 2009, MGP received it’s OHSAS 18001 certification for the development and implementation of its Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Since that time, we have strived to continually improve working conditions, in an effort to achieve our safety goal of zero incidents and injuries.

Our monthly “scorecard” monitors a variety of safety and health metrics, allowing us to measure our performance against established goals, and make system adjustments as necessary.


As a good corporate citizen, we strive to utilize our technological expertise to protect community residents and resources.

Water is the foundation of every product that we make. Within the next 15 years, nearly 70% of the world’s population could be under severe water stress conditions. Improving water quality and availability is vital to our business and the communities we serve.

MGP is committed to complying with air quality standards. We have undertaken several initiatives aimed at reducing air emissions from our operational activities, and we will continue to look for opportunities to further reduce our footprint in the communities we call home.